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SDC Companion
The Stone Dance of the Chameleon
The Song to the Earth
Stone Dance Characters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Book 6
Book 7
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Ricardo Pinto
SDC companion
The Stone Dance of the Chameleon
The Song to the Earth
Stone Dance Characters
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Book 6
Book 7
25th April 2022
Raveners are predatory saurians native to the Earthsky
SDC topics
ammonite arrays /
ammonites /
Ancestor Houses /
Apotheosis /
aquar /
Aurum /
auxiliaries /
Backbone /
Balance of the Three Powers /
banyans /
baobabs /
baran /
beadcord /
beasts /
Black God /
Black Land /
blood /
Blood Convention /
blood-ranks /
blood-rings /
blood-taints /
Bloodguard /
brassman /
Brotherhood of the Wheel /
calendars /
Canyon of the Three Gates /
Carnelian /
Chamber of the Three Lands /
characters /
childgatherers /
Chosen /
Chosen costume /
Chosen names /
Chosen women
City at the Gates /
Clave /
Cloaca /
commander's leathers /
Commonwealth /
Coomb Suth /
coombs /
court robes /
crowns /
Darkness-under-the-trees /
deadman chairs /
demographics /
djada /
Domains /
drag-cradles /
dragon towers /
dragons /
Dreamchamber /
Earth Mother /
Earthers /
Earthsky /
Elder Assemblies /
Elders /
elections /
elixir /
Encampment of the Seraphim /
Eye coins /
Eyries /
family trees /
fauna /
ferngardens /
fernroot /
fiddleheads /
flamepipes /
flesh tithe /
flora /
Forbidden Garden /
forbidden houses /
Gatemarsh /
God Emperors /
Grand Sapients /
Great /
Great Balance /
Great-Rings /
Green God /
Green Lands /
Guarded Land /
Halls of Rebirth /
Halls of Thunder /
He-who-goes-before /
hearth /
Heaveners /
heliographs /
Hidden Land /
Hold /
homunculi /
Horned God /
horned-rings /
hornwall /
House Imago /
House of the Masks /
House Suth /
hri /
huimur /
huskmen /
ichor /
Ichorian Legion /
Ichorians /
Ichorous /
Imperial Power /
Iron Door /
iron Eye coins /
Isle /
Isle of Flies /
Jade Faced God /
Jade Lord /
Jade Mask /
Jaspar /
kharon /
Koppie /
koppies /
kraals /
Labyrinth /
Landabove /
Law /
Law-that-must-be-obeyed /
leathers /
Lefthand /
leftways /
Legates /
legions /
Lesser Chosen /
Lord of Mirrors /
Lower Reach /
Marula /
marumaga /
masking law /
masks /
Masters /
military leathers /
military service collars /
Mountain /
mythology /
naphtha /
naptha /
Naralan /
Nothnaralan /
Obsidian Faced God /
Obsidian Mask /
Oracles /
Osrakum /
Osrakum model /
Outer World /
Pillar of Heaven /
Plain of Thrones /
Plainsmen /
Pomegranate Ring /
population /
purgatory /
pygmies /
Quaestors /
Quays of the Dead /
Qunoth /
Quya language /
Quyan fractions /
Quyan Ladder /
Quyan numbers /
Quyans /
Rainbow Stair /
Rains /
raised roads /
ranga /
raveners /
Rebirth /
Red Caves /
Red Ichorians /
Red Land /
render /
Renunciation /
Righthand /
Ringwall /
ritual protection /
rootearth /
ruhuimur /
Ruling Lords /
Ruling Rings /
Sacred Wall /
sacs /
saddle-chairs /
sanctum /
Sapients /
sartlar /
scarring combs /
seasons /
Seraph /
Seraphim /
service collars /
sign of the horns /
Sinistral Ichorians /
Skyfather /
Skymere /
Song to the Earth /
Southern Plain /
Stairs of the Approach /
Stone Dance of the Chameleon /
Sunhold /
syblings /
Three Gates /
Three Lands /
Three Powers /
Thronehall /
Thunderfalls /
Thuyakalrul /
Tower in the Sea /
trees /
Twelve /
Twin Gods /
Twins /
tyadra /
uba /
Umbilicus /
Upper Reach /
Vennel /
voting /
Vulgate /
watchtowers /
Wheel /
wheelmap /
Wise /
Yden /
Ydenrim /
Ykorenthe /
Ykoriana /
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