The Three Powers

Power among the Chosen is divided among the Three Powers: the God Emperor (and the House of the Masks) the Great and the Wise. The balance between the Powers is maintained through a system of checks and balances called the Great Balance

The House of the Masks

The House of the Masks is the House of the Chosen that transcends all the rest because it is from within it that a Candidate is elected to become God Emperor. As a consequence, the members of the House of the Masks have the purest blood of all the Chosen. It is the House of the Masks that constitutes the Imperial Power, one of the Three Powers. The Great Balance forbids that anyone of the …

The Great Balance

The Great Balance, or the Balance of the Three Powers, or simply ‘the Balance’, is the political system that ensures a power equilibrium between the God Emperor, the Great and the Wise.

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