The Chosen (SDC Second Edition)

Desperate to join his wounded father at the court of the God Emperor, Carnelian puts himself in the power of his enemy. Loneliness leads him to discover a secret lover. Amidst the glittering, predatory glory of the sacred election—as the Great, the Wise and the dowager Empress struggle for dominance—can the young lovers avoid becoming its victims?
The Chosen is volume 2 of 7 of The Stone Dance of the Chameleon—a coming of age story—a saga of love and war—an apocalyptic, epic, fantasy adventure about power and redemption
(This Second Edition is a leaner and extensive reworking of the acclaimed original)
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“The groundbreaking The Stone Dance of the Chameleon . . . is that rarest of things—a deeply original fantasy.”
“Panoramic, riveting . . . majestically structured and vivid.”
“Phantasmagorical brutality . . . gorgeous prose . . . concise and poetic . . . contains no magic and yet retains an atmosphere of occult malevolence.”
Strange Horizons
“A luscious picture of a viciously hierarchical and decadent society . . . extremely literate . . . outstanding imagination.”
Publisher’s Weekly
“Strikes the reader with great force . . . celebrates the evanescence of life and the enduring truth of love with such elan. I envy the visceral power of this book that dares to speculate so inventively, so colourfully, so humanely about our mortal limits.”
A. A. Attanasio
“For readers who adore the Anne Rice novels, The Chosen might be a huge revelation . . . a bulging bubble of hallucinogenic imagination.”