Stone Dance Second Edition Proofs

I have been hard at work on the Second Edition of the Stone Dance—it feels like an endless task but I’m getting there. Proofs of the first five volumes exist, and here’s a photo to prove it! :O). The sixth volume is almost at proof stage, but I put it aside so I can get my head around ‘marketing’.

The first volume is ready to go, and a proof of the second volume is out for proofreading. I hope to publish the first volume in a few weeks. The second will follow perhaps a couple of weeks after that, and I will release the rest, one a month, until all seven are out. There will be ebook versions of each volume.

Posted by Ricardo

writer and blogger

16 Replies to “Stone Dance Second Edition Proofs”

  1. As the owner of every published edition of the original SDC I am thrilled, to say the least, to hear this news.


  2. Cant wait! What formats are you publishing in HB, PB or both?


    1. PB and ebook… though I hope eventually—if the books do well—to do a limited edition HB run…


  3. Tiago André Lopes 3rd September 2019 at 6:39 pm

    Will there be 2nd editions also in other languages… like in Portuguese? Which publishing house will sell hard copies in english? I am so excited with this news 🙂


    1. I’m working on that… but have nothing yet that I can say on the matter. I’m publishing them myself—Ivory Tower Press—doing everything myself—even the covers! 🙂


  4. peeps, why don’t you get yourselves a ‘gravatar’ so that your lovely countenances can grace this and other blogs:


    1. What, reveal who I am?
      I’d sooner grow a beard than pick one of theim things.


      1. you could choose any picture, even Van Gogh’s Sunflowers 🙂


  5. I feel lucky having been there (mostly) the first time round, and am looking forward to this round!

    What – you mean I’d have to *read* the bloody thing? 😉

    No, seriously, I’ll be there for the ride, and hope – trust – that many others will be!
    2020 Would be nice round number to get yourself a Hugo!


  6. Good. About time. Been waiting for so long I almost had given up they’d be out before I go out. 🙂


    1. *wide grin* when the Stone Dance came out the first time, my mother said: “please finish it before I die”—there’s clearly something about my projects that evoke this kind of reaction!


      1. I think everyone in the family said that at some point :P, not to mention my almost weekly “how’s book three coming along?” 😂


        1. *guffaw* given how young you were, it must have taken half your life until the 3rd book came out!


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