a graphic novel

Over the past 4 weeks I have been writing a graphic novel called Malta with my friend Adrian Smith. I can’t really talk about details at present… Adrian and I have been talking about doing some joint project for a long time.
I’ve not written a graphic novel before and have been pleased to find that it is a form that comes naturally to me. This shouldn’t perhaps be that much of a surprise when you consider how visual my writing is.
Me likes! 🙂
More great news! This is excellent, hope it gets published soon!
not that soon, I’m afraid, because Adrian is having to do the illustration in the background – he’s got to earn his living and we don’t want an advance because it will pressure him and endanger the quality… Still, it is an exciting project for me for several reasons – one of the main ones being how utterly short it has been!! *grin*
So, does this mean you won’t write The Biggest Graphical Novel Ever? *grin*
On a more serious note, don’t you feel the need to write a companion book, where you’d put all the ideas that certainly cross your mind when writing the graphical novel? A.K.A.: extras for the fans? *twinkly eyes*
noop, a mere ‘pamphlet’ of 64 pages *grin*… that was one of its prime attractions: a sharp, fresh sorbet to clean my literary palate before returning to tackle something more demanding (from my point of view)… Also don’t expect it too be too much like the Stone Dance… What I’ve done is to create a narrative structure accommodating some things that Adrian wanted to illustrate… This graphic novel malarkey is new to me, and I’m rather excited about what is likely to come out of it…
hummmm, that sounds very interesting.
i’ll be waiting for some more details.