According to Simon my editor, hardbacks are quickly becoming a thing of the past… It is only in the genres (fantasy specifically, apparently) that hardbacks still sell at all. The Third God seems to be part of this trend. 3000 were printed by Transworld, and there are 600 or so left. 1000 of them have sold outside the UK. Simon told me that most ‘mainstream’ authors are lucky if they sell 500 hardbacks. Most only sell 200. So I am really rather pleased…
In spite of my belief in the coming benefits of ebooks, I will be rather sad if (and when) the hardback dies… It is still the culmination of more than 1600 years of the paper book as a device…
I took a bunch of books to the 2nd hand stores before moving, and was told that hardbacks are virtually worthless. It made me rather sad, since they keep well and are easier to read. Is there a reason for hardbacks to drop in prices equivalent to the paperback after the latter is released?
this strikes me as a rather bizarre thing to be told… I’m sure that this would not have happened to you in the UK…
Enquanto existir livros em papel eu vou sempre preferir ler esse formato, é outra coisa ter o papel na mão.
O tacto a ilustração o cheiro não sei o e-book não me convencem.
isso é tudo verdade… mas só estás a falar das coisas como são… a mesma coise foi dito de discos de ‘vinyl’ e agóra todos escutão aos cds… por isso é melhor esperámos para vera como os e-books vão se desenvolver…