The Apotheosis

The Apotheosis is a blood ritual, normally carried out at the time of the Rebirth and in the Umbilicus, overlooking the Plain of Thrones, when the Candidate—elected by the Chosen—is transformed into the God Emperor, the incarnation on Earth of the Twin Gods, when his blood is turned to ichor and They become fully divine

The Green God

The Green God—also known as the Lord of the Dance, the Jade Faced God and the Lord of Life—is one half of the Twin Gods

The Hidden Land

the Hidden Land is another name for Osrakum, the land within the Sacred Wall of it crater

The Three Gates

The Three Gates refers to the three gates that defend the Canyon entry into Osrakum; they are the primary defences of Osrakum

Military Leathers

Military leathers, commander’s leathers or simply ‘leathers’, is an all in one battle suit, of bleached leather, that the Chosen wear when on active military service as a robust form of the ritual protection

The Elixir

The ‘elixir’ is a drug fed to the Wise to allow them to sleep for long periods of time. They believe that it extends their lives far beyond the span of normal men

The Twelve

a Grand Sapient of the Wise
a Grand Sapient of the Wise

The Twelve are the Grand Sapients who oversee the twelve Domains of the Wise

Deadman’s Chair

lookouts and deadman chairs

A deadman’s chair is a device associated with the watchtowers of the Guarded Land—each tower generally having four chairs: one facing up the road and the leftway, another down; two more looking out across the land—one in each direction

A deadman’s chair insures that the lookout sitting on it remains awake by threatening his life should he fall asleep: the seat itself is a freely rotating drum astride which the lookout sits; to stop himself falling off, the lookout must keep a grip on a bracing hoop. This hoop is a fixed structure surrounding the ‘chair’

A dragon towers also has a deadman’s chair up its mast


Naphtha is a thick, black fluid that is prepared to become highly flammable. It is projected, under pressure, through flamepipes, emerging from them in great arcs, setting alight everything it touches

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